If you're reading this, then I've finally found a data conection (a rare commodity out here in the wilderness). I'm writing this as I sit in the dome car on Via Rail's Canadian train - a traveling bubble of civilization moving through absolute Ontario wilderness - seemingly endless trees and lakes. The dome car is a unique experience and an absolutely stunning way to travel. Since you're above the rest of the train cars, you get a 360 degree view all around. I never realized how beautiful Ontario is - made that much better by seeing it this way. Pics will be posted when I find a
fast data connection.
Yesterday I did a little guitar playing and writing during the day - just a little bit to get me back in the songwriting zone - it has been a while since I've written because I have been busy producing so much (finishing The Song Of The Day, Sham Rock, more weekly songs). It's nice to finally get away from Cakewalk Sonar and just play and write. Many people on this train turn in very early at night, so I took the opportunity to take my guitar to the deserted dome car. It was very dark and surreal - inside, I could only see the fluorescent glow from the lounge below and outside I could only see the locomotive headlamp in the distance as it lit up the trees on either side of the train. As I sat in the dark, I would watch the occasional train signal fly by as it changed from green to red when we passed.
As I mentioned to Matt Scholtka before I left that he could follow along with my trip on the Beatnik Turtle Blog, Twitter, and my Flickr account, he remarked how postcards have become obsolete. I thought that to be a very pertinent and funny observation. These days we can shoot digital photos, post them to Flickr (where there's a data connection, of course), embed them into a blog, and then tweet about it all on Twitter. You can tell everyone you know about your travels without hand-writing cards, stamping them, and dropping them into a mailbox. Just imagine trying to stay in touch with your entire network of friends by sending postcards! You'd never get a chance to enjoy traveling - you'd be writing the entire time. Speaking of that, I'm done writing for now.