Saturday, May 23, 2009

Star Wars (A Film Like No Other) Music Video to Air on SpikeTV Monday, May 25th

A long, long time ago we created a music video for our song "Star Wars (A Film Like No Other" through's cool video mashup tools. That video will now air on SpikeTV this Monday, May 25th sometime during their CSI Marathon.

(Um, why during a CSI marathon? May 25th is Star Wars 32nd anniversary, of course...)

Details are sketchy, but it should air @ 2pm. By sketchy, we mean, we're not really sure what time zone they meant when the good people of SpikeTV told us 2pm. They're out of California, so that could be 2pm their time. That would make it 4pm Central Standard Time, 5pm Eastern Standard Time, etc. Then again, they could have meant 2pm Central Time knowing that's the time zone Beatnik Turtle calls home. Then again, they could have meant - oh boy. This is starting to make my head hurt. Just like this season's LOST.

Anyway, you can catch the video here - right on our video page.

Happy anniversary Star Wars and thanks SpikeTV!