In a whirlwind recording session not seen since we did, we managed to record the basic tracks to 11 songs. While that may seem impressive, it's really just drums, bass, and scratch guitars/vocals (which get recorded over). ***
All 11 the songs revolve around music, being in a band, and of course making an album (RPM!).
Working titles to the songs are:
"Earworm" -- about that song you can't get out of your head.
"Dude From Indiana" -- about a guy who's "Rockin' Real Hard To Carlos Santana"
"Hello Guitar" -- about getting back into songwriting and playing after a long time away.
"All The Pretty Girls" -- about girls of course -- the best type of groupies!
"Yesterday's New Today (Get Me Movin')" -- we wrote this song kind of as an anthem for musicians. It's all about how you don't want to work, you'd rather play all day.
"Never Be The Front Man" -- this one's pretty obvious, it's about being second to the front man (think: Oates of Hall & Oates, the poor guy).
"We're Getting The Band Back Together" -- since our album's about music, there was no way in hell we weren't going to write a song based on the classic Blues Brothers line!
"11" -- and speaking of famous movie lines, we realized pretty quickly we needed to have a nod to Spinal Tap.
"Jump The Shark" -- we decided to tempt fate and write about you know, jumping the shark -- the exact moment when you were really good, but now you went downhill.
"Don't Quit Your Day Job" -- now, how could we NOT write this one given what the album's all about?!?
The eleventh song is a different rendition of "Don't Quit Your Day Job". So, that's all we have so far, but we've been known to come up with something at the spur of the moment, so we'll see what develops and what doesn't...
Oh and we're still trying to come up with a name for the album since it's about music. We were thinking "Don't Quit Your Day Job" but that's been done to death.
Other ideas so far include:
"So Much To Rock About"
"Rock and/or Roll"
But, um...that's all we got. If you have any ideas for an album title that fits the theme, we're all ears! Leave a comment, tweet us, email us,'ll get to us!
***Our record recording session as a band is 14 songs tracked out in one day -- one of which was Pizza: The Rock Opera, so it's actually more than 14, since that song is our 10 minute opus to ordering, waiting, and receiving a pizza. (BTW, you can download Pizza: The Rock Opera here or stream it here at
Um, and the record for our drummer -- just recording drums to tracks -- is 36. Yep. John's pretty amazing!